Abigail was our first Cavalier and if you have caught up on our About Us section you will know that having her join our family was life changing and extraordinary!
Abby is the kindest, most fun, gentle, etc. dog anyone could ask for. She is loyal to a fault and has always been a great producer with 100% healthy and beautiful puppies.
She is our world.

While Abigail was our first family puppy, Harper was the first puppy we ever birthed in our household!
Just like her mother she is gentle, extraordinarily good-natured, and very in-tune with our household and the crazy daily schedule.
It’s like having two Abigails!

Estella (Cruella)
Estella is an absolute joy. She’s the ideal pet and companion…being friendly, loving, craves attention…but also demanding! She’s definitely stepped into the alpha role.
Her first litter proved to be nothing but extraordinary! We are very excited for her in the future!

Devana (DeeDee)
Devana came to us from Flagstaff, AZ. Estella and her have been best buds ever since. Two peas in a pod with minor confrontation at the food bowl!
Devana has a lineage from Eastern Europe, and we are waiting patiently for her to earn her OFA certifications and to come of age!

Emma is from Shango’s lines and she shares a lot of his personality and looks! Great genetics!
She is currently a part of our Guardian Program and shares her home with a much larger Maine Coon kitty, that’s her buddy!
Emma has recently passed her OFA certifications and has become a full-fledged member of Fancy Fans!

This 17lb hunk is our main stud and sires a lot of the puppies we have offered to families. He is gentle, caring, and generally just excited about waking up each day…and he produces the cutest pups!